Monday, May 14, 2007


So, it's officially summer here at the Q. How can I tell you ask? Because there are four people in the gym tonight and two of them happen to be working. It really tends to slow down here what with the beautiful canyons we have around here and the cheapness of the popular student population. It's alright, it's okay, it means I get to sit here and pound out a quick blog.
I'm a little disappointed with where this whole blog thing is going I've got to admit. I wanted to keep it as a way to keep everyone informed of my antics but it seems the it mostly just makes me feel bad that I've been severely lacking in antics. So, I'm bringing on the antics. I like that word, I think I should use it more often.
I've got big plans I guess for the summer... In a week I'm leaving on a cruise. It's the same one I went on with A. and S. and M. but this time I'm going with the girls. My work at C. is paying me to go on this cruise with one of our clients and so it should be fun. I'm going with some other great girl friends and we'll see if I can't get into any trouble this time around. After that, I should be home for about two weeks and then I'm taking off again to do that kayaking/rafting trip down Desolation Canyon that I did last year. This year should prove to be a bit more interesting be cause J. is coming out from NY and J.'s Gypsy Lover Wanna Be Girlfriend A. is coming too. So, some more interesting social dynamics for sure. Hilarity if not drama is sure to ensue. Well, then I guess I'll be home for three or four or maybe even five weeks and I'll take off again then for Baltimore where I'll meet up with G.L.J. and we'll travel back down to Virginia. I'm excited to spend some time exploring the East a bit. Then in August I'm off to the Telluride Bluegrass Music Festival for a long weekend of good music, good camping and good friends and then I'm doing it. I mean, I'm REALLY going to do it. I'm going to quite my life here in good ol' P-Town and move to a much better, bigger and brighter P-Town. Up north a bit. And a little west. As in, Northwest. The Great Northwest. We'll see. If all goes according to "plan" I'll be there until May or June of '08 and then head down the coast for the San Luis Obispo. No reason, never been, nope, don't know anyone. Just thought you can't go wrong with sun and surf.
Anyway, I'm bored now of writing, that's about how long my attention span is these days. So, that's it...