Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Back in Business

So, I am officially working once again. I've got a nice day job now in down town Portland. It's a panty hose job meaning I have to wear NICE clothes. Not even business casual. We're talking BUSINESS. I'm going to have to revamp my wardrobe I'm afraid. And get some shoes. Any excuse I guess. I have to take a bus to work. And a car I guess. If S. and I leave the house at 6:35am then I'll make it in time to catch the bus at 7:35 (because of traffic - that's why it takes so long) to get to a block away from my work site by 8am. Then to come home, I have to take two buses to meet S. back at the climbing gym to drive another hour back home by 6:30. Sheesh. I miss the days of my 5 minute up the hill commute. But it has been very fun (read: interesting) to learn how ride the public transit system. On friday - S. won't be around so I have to take public transit the whole way. And then on my way home I'm taking the train to Seattle. So get this - I have to catch my first bus at 6am which will take me to the transit center, then I'll take a shutttle to the MAX station where I'll take the Yellow line 'trax bus' to down town where I'll catch another to get to work. Sheesh! And then a 4 hour Amtrak train ride so Seattle. That's going to be a very interesting day (read: nerve wracking). Scary because if something goes wrong and I miss a bus or train or something then I won't have anyone to call to save me because S & A will already be in Seattle. Anyway, so I'm here now in P Town and happy to be here but it's taken me a bit to write about it because there have been so many emotions. I really didn't think it would be as hard to leave as it has been. I know P. get's a bad rap, but I really did enjoy my time there. And I miss my friends. and I realize now that I had the CUSHIEST job ever! I mean, I was a sucker just to leave that. Laugh, oh well. S & A have been so good and so sweet and kind to me and their kids are so much fun. All though, it's been an adventure going from living all alone nice and quietly to crashing at my brothers house with his 4 kids for a while. Quite a big difference. Anyway, so many thoughts now I wish I'd taken a moment to jot down for the sake of their own preservation but, this is all I've got for now. I guess, just know I'm having an adventure to be sure... and that I'm really... learning a lot.