Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I have a frog. I don't know if I've mentioned that yet or not. It's a little fire bellied toad I've named Tweaker. He sits in a little aquariam in my bedroom and at night makes little frog sounds. He didn't have a name for a long time, I just called him Frogger - (that's a shout out to K. and her Dogger) but as I watched him get so active at night and try and get out of his little tank with his legs going all wild and akimbo, he just looked like he was tweaking out!! He's another little lovey pet from J. I still have Pistachio which I'm rather impressed with myself for keeping alive for so long. Although, again, I have to give props to J. because he cleans her bowl for me.
I'm still here in the 'Couve and doing alright. I still work at the bank and still am dating J. We're having a fun time makeing a little life here. Although with all the rain we've had this week, I've got to admit I've given some serious thought to moving to Arizona. Or anywhere there is sun and a water park. I'm just about desperate for a lazy river lately. You know how I can tell I'm getting desperate? I wore my bikini under my work clothes last Friday so I could pretend... :)